Aug 30
Keith Teboul @ The Generic Foiling Podcast
taavi kirjutas on Wednesday Aug 30, 2023 rubriigis uudisedQuatro, Goya ja KT fännidele – tunne oma shaper‘it!
“Legendary shaper and waterman, Keith Teboul. Quattro, Goya, KT Surf and KT Foil – you name it, he shapes them all.
Super chill chat with a super chill guy.
Keith opens up on the industry as a whole at the moment as well as giving us an insight into the Ginxu shape now they’re 12 months into using the concept across the range. We get techy with construction differences between the windsurf shapes and foiling shapes, as well as going back to hear about the history behind the iconic brands Keiths involved with.
Check out @ktfoiling for more!”