Suurepärasele Cabo Verde võistlusele pandi punkt lainesõidu piire kompava supersessioniga. Võistluste viimase päeva tingimused olid niivõrd head, et sõitjatele otsustati anda veel üks võimalus oma oskusi näidata. Best trick formaadis peetud võistluse võitis puhta takaga Graham Ezzy. Teise koha sai Ricardo Campello, kelle backloop off the lip, olnuks kindlasti päeva parim trikk, kui ta vaid oleks selle püsti jäänud. Kolmandaks tuli Marcilio Browne’i, kellel sarnaselt Campellole ei õnnestunud oma valitud trikki – air taka’t – maanduda.
foto:’l õnnestus vahetult peale võistluste lõppu saada paar kiiret vastust Cabo Verde troonile naasnud Josh Angulolt. Hi Josh, first of all, how does it feel to be back on top at your homespot?
Josh: It feels absolutely beautiful to be back on top here at Ponta Preta. It really is very very special to me and my country. It’s something that is hard to explain, but all I can say is you can really feel the love in the air. Ponta Preta offered again some epic condition to run the first event of the 2009 wave tour. How much did the conditions favour youre style?
Josh: I actually felt the conditions in the second final favored Kauli, but in the end I sailed quite well and had a great day. I got relaxed and just did what I know how to do out there. Which gear did you use in the finals?
Josh: I used the Chango 88 production and Maui Sails 5.7 Legend production. Next time we will see you in Podersdorf, how motivated you are for the slalom tour?
Josh: I am very motivated, I’m going to test the Tr-5’s now.
PWA lainesõiduhooaja avalöögini on jäänud vaid loetud päevad, 13. reedel antakse start tõenäoliselt aasta kõige oodatumale võistlusele. Cabo Verde lainesõiduvõistlus on surfiringkondades juba üksjagu elevust tekitanud – alates väga piiratud osavõtjate arvu kritiseerimisest kuni Kauli Seadi Quatro/JP neljauimelise laua piltide netti lekkimiseni. Lahing parimate vahel tõotab tulla äärmiselt põnev.’l õnnestus end libistada võistluste patrooni ja Cabo Verde surfisaadiku Josh Angulo tihedasse graafikusse ning esitada talle mõned küsimused: So in a few days, the most exhilarating windsurfing competition will take place in Cabo Verde. How good conditions have you had there and what can we expect for the competition? Josh: Conditions have been great since Christmas, We have had a lot of variety in sailing conditions and there has been fantastic wavesailing sessions for everybody of every wave level;, from small waves to big. It has been very windy so many spots are working and catching windswell as well as groundswell, so we’re having a lot of fun. It has been all over the internet, that Kauli has been working there on his new quadfins, but which other pro riders are also there already and who are ripping? Josh: Another sailor that came early and has been really charging and sailing well is Dany Bruch for Tenerife. He may surprise some people this year. What can we expect from “king of Punta Preta” Josh Angulo this year? What does it take to get that throne back? Josh: I feel that my sailing has been strong and I look forward to a strong effort. Hopefully with some good size swell, the conditions will favor my style. What do you think about the PWA wave calendar for 2009? Josh: Looks the same as ever. I’m actually really more excited about the slalom schedule.
Thank you very much Josh and all the luck to you in the comp!
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