sisemine ilu :D
taavi kirjutas on Sunday Mar 28, 2010 rubriigis uudisedBoardseeker “testis” rohkem kui 5000 välis-eksperdi abil 4,7 ruuduste lainesõidupurjede väljanägemist ja 12 osalenud purje seast valiti esikolmikusse koguni kaks erinevat Goya purje – radikaalne, kergematele sõitjatele sobiv Goya Guru ja veidi suurema veojõuga Goya Eclipse.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the prettiest of them all!
Once again, you guys have showed that you have an opinion on what you like and dont like when it comes to sail graphics! We have had over 5000 votes in our sail graphics poll since the 4.7m test went live. So here are the results voted for by YOU:
1. Simmer Icon – 351 points
2. Goya Guru – 323 points
3. Goya Eclipse – 313 points
*Overall points were calculated by multiplying
the % votes by 4 for ‘Really Good’, 3 for ‘Good’,
2 for ‘Average’ and 1 for ‘poor’ for each sail.